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Hiking Safety Tips for Pets

Hiking Safety Tips for Pets

With the rising temperates, it’s the perfect time to get outdoors with your four-legged pal in this heat. At the same time, you want to ensure your furry friend stays safe while enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.   #1: Stock up...

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Pet Microchipping Myths Debunked

Pet Microchipping Myths Debunked

A large number of pet owners are unsure exactly how microchips work. Because of this, many may avoid getting these potentially life-saving devices for their furry friends. Our team banishes common pet microchipping myths to clear up any confusion.   Myth: My pet needs...

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Are Hairballs Normal for Cats?

Are Hairballs Normal for Cats?

If you have a feline friend in your home, you are probably familiar with hairballs. Depending on your cat’s hair coat length, you may encounter hairballs with such regular frequency that you become worried about your feline friend’s health! Let’s take a closer look at...

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10 Warning Signs of Cancer in Pets

10 Warning Signs of Cancer in Pets

10 Warning Signs of Cancer in Pets   With pets living longer than ever, there’s a higher risk of cancer development in old age. But, by knowing the cancer warning signs, you can quickly detect abnormalities and schedule a check-up with our veterinarian. Here are...

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