Our Blog
Minimizing the Risk of Pet Diabetes
Is My Pet at Risk for Diabetes? November is National Pet Diabetes Month, and with an estimated one in 300 dogs and one in 200 cats developing the disease during their lifetime, it’s important for pet owners to recognize the risk factors and signs. What factors put my...

4 Guidelines for Caring for Your Senior Pet
4 Guidelines for Caring for Your Senior Pet The worst part about pet ownership is that our beloved cats and dogs never live long enough. As their golden years draw near, it’s time to think about how you can best preserve their health and maintain their quality of...

Halloween Treats Your Pet Should Avoid
Halloween is almost here, and we want it to be filled with treats for you and your furry friend, not tricks. If you keep the candy bowl solely for trick-or-treaters and not your pet, you both can plan to have a safe and fun October 31. When celebrating Halloween, be...

3 Enrichment Ideas For Your Cat
Are you struggling to keep your cat from getting bored around the house? Bored or stressed cats tend to exhibit inappropriate behaviors like scratching, overgrooming, and even bullying. Without adequate enrichment to their lives, these things have the potential to...

Prepare Your Pet For A Great Vet Visit
Suppose you are planning to take your pet soon to the veterinary clinic or already have an appointment. In that case, you want to read these simple tips to prepare them for a stress-free veterinary visit. #1: Handle your pet at home The veterinary examination is...

6 Tips For Responsible Dog Owners
Owning a dog is one of the most satisfying things you can do, but it isn’t for everybody. Dog ownership does come with some significant responsibilities, and taking them on will mean putting in some effort. How much effort? Find out by reading these tips that will...

Answering Questions About Your Pet’s Vaccines
It's that time of year again! You’ve received another reminder about your pet’s vaccinations. But, before you erase the message without making an appointment, it's important to make sure you are well educated about the importance of pet vaccinations, and how critical...

3 Tips to Help Your Dog With Back-to-School Boredom
Summer is almost over, which means your kids will be heading back to school soon. While you may be looking forward to the peace and quiet while you work from home, your pet may have a different opinion about the change of pace. The sudden change to quiet (i.e.,...

Grooming Tips for Your Pet This Summer
As the temperature continues to rise this summer, it is important to adjust the grooming habits of our pets. While one might think that shaving your pet down to the skin would cool your pet off, it might actually do more harm than good! Here are some grooming tips for...

Water Safety Tips for Your Pet This Summer
One of the best ways to cool down in the summer is by going swimming! While this is also a great option for our pets, there are some potential dangers that pet owners should be aware of before taking their four-legged-friend swimming. Here are some water safety tips...